Well, I apologize for taking so long to get things posted. It's been busy here as we enjoy a little spring weather (raining again hence the reason I am blogging again!). Scott had a last minute trip to Dallas a few weeks ago and we were a little jealous as he was able to see his whole family and eat real Mexican food! He has also been working long hours when in town so I've neglected the things that take extra time like updating this blog!
Mother's day in Scotland was celebrated on Sunday, March 2nd. The boys each made a beautiful card at school. We had a nice lazy day and enjoyed being together at home.
The boys have been busy at school with Spring Projects as well as preparing to move to the new Prep School building next week. Christopher had to give a talk about his favorite dinosaur last Friday. He chose the Velociraptor and he did such a great job! He's reciting a poem aloud in class today. Ethan is working on a verbal presentation about a person from the Tudor era. He has chosen Guy Fawkes, famous for the failed plot to kill James I and take over Parliament. And Charlie is enjoying play dates with his buddies from his class.
We have also been busy searching for and starting extra curricular activities. Charlie has started a music class, Christopher a sports class, Enjoy-A-Ball , and Ethan is awaiting the start of a fencing class.
Our weekends have been filled with birthday parties, movies, Wii and playing outside. Ethan went to a party this past weekend in his Easter suit as they were headed to Malmasion (very fancy French restaurant) in a Hummer Limo and then on to the cinema. There were 5 boys and 5 girls in attendance and they were all quite excited to be dressed in their party clothes and off to such a grown up venue! The rest of us went to a friend's house for a tapas party and then home to wait up for Ethan.

I hope that each of you have a wonderful Easter weekend! Blessings.
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