Friday, 29 October 2010


So birthday season at our house is always busy. Because beginning on August 3rd, we have a birthday every two weeks until the first of October. So it's parties, cake, dinners, special outings, and more cake! Fun, fun and more fun! This year we even squeezed in one more special thing that I'll tell you about in my next post. But for now, it's the birthday pics!

I've already told you about how special Christopher's day was! Man, what a thrill to go to the Porsche races on your 9th birthday! We are so thankful it was such a fantastic day!

Christopher, we are constantly amazed at you sweet boy. You are tender, funny, smart, intuitive, kind, sporty, hard working, an adoring little brother and a thoughtful big brother, and you are always there with a hug. The sparkle in your eyes could light up a room and we never tire of seeing your smile! We are so proud of you and we love you. Happy Happy 9th Birthday!

I happened upon a box of Lucky Charms at Lupe's Deli and thought I would splurge for the 4 birthday boys (it was 12 dollars)! Even the big boy had breakfast that morning. And I was surprised to see that the box was not finished for at least a week. (Sometimes I think the idea of sugar cereal is better that the real thing!)

And Ethan. How can it be? 12 YEARS OLD. Seriously, how can it be? We celebrated your birthday at Jamie Oliver's Italian Cafe and you loved it! You want to be a chef and so food and it's source and preparation are your passion. AND I LOVE sharing the kitchen with you! What a treat that is for this momma that spends most of her time preparing food!

Ethan you are patient, kind, generous, smart, interesting, a leader, focused and you are a fantastic oldest brother! You are a good friend and a pleasure to be around. You are loved and we are so very proud of you too. Happy, happy 12th birthday!