I keep thinking there will be time to sit down and write something clever. The reality is, ours days are busier and busier right now and I am falling behind on what I want to tell you! So forgive the "task oriented" entry!
Scott loves a little bit of Americana on his sandwich. You see, Miracle Whip is something only my husband eats (and maybe the rest of you in the USA that eat this stuff) and he has lived without it for the year that we have lived here. Then one day, our happy family was shopping at Lupe's Deli and what did we notice (okay, maybe only Scott noticed it), Miracle Whip! I thought he was going to do a herkie (sp?) right there in the store! And a whopping $6 later, just look how happy he was...

And as you know from my last post, Charlie and I enjoyed a little bit of Americana while we were in Shreveport for Thanksgiving and my cousin Karen's wedding! It was fantastic, terrific and fast! I will post about it later this week.
Then Scott took me to Edinburgh this weekend without our little monkeys and boy did we have a nice time. Okay, we missed them but man it was nice to be on our schedule and to do what we wanted to do and to finish our conversation without being interrupted! We went to a comedy club, shopped a bit, walked and walked through Old Town, went to a museum, a pub or 2 and we ate and ate lots of wonderful meals! And to finish off the weekend, we each enjoyed a massage at the spa! Whew, do I feel refreshed! And Blessed! Thank you Scott for the perfect surprise!