"Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and the pupil are located in the same individual." ~Koestler
As I continue to learn how to use my new computer, I have become the slowest blogger in the world! In an effort to keep this as a diary of our adventure, in the next couple of days I am going to attempt to re-cap our trip to the states in pictures. Please forgive the tedious nature of this post. Here we go!
Our first week in the States, we relaxed tons. We spent time playing with cousins, spending time with Grandma and Grandpa and even a trip to the new Dallas Cowboy Stadium in Arlington!

Grandma and Grandpa were brave enough to take the grand boys (7 boys under 12) to Six Flags for Holiday in the Park. Aunt Amie and Uncle Bobby went along to help and the boys had a fantastic time! What great memories!
We enjoyed visits with dear friends in Dallas during the Christmas week. Although each visit was too brief, we each cherished the time together and our friendships with these families.

Christmas Morning at the Nicol's was fantastic! We'd gone to church the night before with an actually blizzard by Texas standards! Grandma prepared a delicious Christmas dinner and we were so thankful to be together. We woke to a beautiful White Christmas on the lake. The boys seemed more interested in the packages under the tree. I can't figure that out!

We surprised the boys with a trip to Disney and here they are opening their park tickets! Such a Sweet Surprise. It made me feel like a kid again to see the sparkle in their eyes. (A benefit of Scott's travel and work in Florida!)
On the 26th, we drove to Louisiana to see all of the FitzGeralds. Ethan was thrilled because Gramps promised him a "camping" trip that day. His very first one. It was freezing but he was not deterred. They learned all about gun safety, practiced their shot, and spent the night close to the lease. Unfortunately (or fortunately for Grandma N!), no shot was fired on the morning. Even though they had nothing to show for their hard work and preparation, Ethan was still in good spirits. I think Gramps was more disappointed that anyone.
Christopher became bored with Mims and I Sunday morning and asked to go down to the camp. The camp is Chris and Kim's lake house where we would all be heading later in the week. I knew Chris was headed out to pick up a hog to roast and so I called to see if he needed an 8 year old buddy for the day. Christopher had a day he'll never forget! He "hunted" wild hogs with his uncle Chris and although I have no pictures to share, I know his grin was from ear to ear all day long!
The Shreveport Independence Bowl hosted the Texas Aggies this year and so we tagged along with Chris and his crew to his tailgate party and then to the game. Chris cooks for a crowd and we all enjoyed the atmosphere. Scott and I are not the best Aggie fans (in terms of keeping up with the team and stats) but in spite of the outcome of the game, we loved showing the boys the spirit of "our team!" We even enjoyed a visit from Uncle Bobby, Aunt Amie, Drew and Whit at the tailgate party.