Wednesday, 3 February 2010


We had such a fantastic time in America and it seems as if it was ages ago. Like years have past. Like I said before, we loved spending time with family and friends. We LOVED eating all of the comfort food we could get our hands on. And I loved shopping at familiar stores with American prices.

But sometimes it feels a bit surreal to travel "home for the holidays" when it is no longer your home. It's hard to describe the experience of being there. It's difficult to squeeze in all that you want to do. It was amazing to relax at the grandparent's houses. It was glorious to soak up all of the sunshine. It was blessed to break bread with dear friends. And yet, it is awkward at times for others to relate to our experiences of life abroad. And it was awkward to enjoy the conveniences of the wealthiest nation in the world. It is sometimes overwhelming.

We have gotten used to life from a different perspective and we are forever changed. The feelings we experience are very conflicting and it challenges us to examine our lives from every angle. And when the holidays were over, it was once again, hard to say good-bye. We did return, refreshed and renewed to face the Scottish winter and for that, I am thankful!

On a side note, I have a new computer that I am slowly learning to use. When I figure out how to post pictures I promise to do so! Cheers.