We have much to be thankful for in 2010. Blessings too many to count.

Our second annual Thanksgiving Party (in Scotland) was on Sunday the 21st of November. The turkeys came from a farm in Southern England and the entertainment came in the form of 30 of our Scottish friends! And to top it off, my brother Chris and my nieces Caitlin and Hannah, arrived for their Scotland visit on that morning. Splendid!
We picked them up at the airport at 7:30 and then hit the ground running to prepare for our afternoon feast. Poor Caitlin and Hannah, they must of thought I was crazy.
We made the following: 2 20lb turkeys, 1 15 lb ham, 2 pans of cornbread dressing, roasted carrots, gravy, and our friends brought the rest: mashed potatoes, roasted parsnips, brussel sprouts, roasted pumpkin stuffed with spiced rice, green beans, cranberry sauce and sausages. The boys helped me prepare a pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin pie, apple pie, and pecan pie. One friend brought a cheeseboard and the children decorated (with the help of Caitlin and Hannah) sugar cookies. It was definitely a feast for a king!
We laughed, and ate, and drank, and danced, and played games and laughed and ate and drank some more! A fantastic day by all accounts!