Here's what we've been up to.

Ethan spent a week on the Isle of Arran for a school trip with his year group. They studied geology, the local flora and fauna and did lots of hiking. He loved it. I think school outside is always more fun. Amen.

Scott spent a weekend sailing off the West Coast of Scotland from Adrossan to Tarbert. He sailed with 11 friends on Drum; a famous racing boat formerly owned by Simon Le Bon of Duran Duran. They had a crew and they had fantastic weather; which both afforded Scott a very relaxing weekend!
Then I went to the Spanish Island of Majorca with a few friends for the weekend. We spent lots of time in the sun, relaxing, chatting and doing a whole lot of nothing! It was fabulous. We stayed at my friend's apartment but went to a fancy hotel one day for pool time, spa time and lunch. Spoiled rotten is how we felt when we left. I highly recommend it if you are in this neck of the woods!
And yesterday, our friends the Brooks family, arrived from the US for 10 days of fun in Scotland. Our boys have a school holiday today and Monday so we plan to explore some of our favourite spots with them! Fun, fun, and more fun.
"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24
Happy Memorial Day to you!