Monday, 3 August 2009

Grandma's Here!

Grandma Nicol arrived last Wednesday and we have been non-stop, action packed since her arrival. And although she's not in the pics from these outings, I promise to post some of her tomorrow!

We've been to the pond to feed the ducklings, to the skate park, had fencing lessons, have been to get our school uniform (okay, maybe that's not considered fun and action packed!), have built more Lego creations, and that was all Wednesday and Thursday!

Here are the ducklings jockeying for position. There must be 30-40 little guys. And they are not shy. We went last week when Ashleigh was here (I forgot my camera that day) and in one week's time, they'd doubled in size!

And here is Davis having his first ever fencing lesson. He did great and it was fun for Ethan to share his sport with Davis. It sparked his interested and Kyndal, I'm sorry. You might need to find a club in DFW. He's keen.

And here are the boys outside the skate park. We were inside the park for awhile but I didn't take pictures because I have a hard time watching them on the ramps. These boys are daredevils! But this little pothole seemed harmless. And it entertained them for half and hour. Especially when I started taking pictures. Big air man, big air.

And then there is this guy. Oh how my heart breaks. My baby, starting school. There is something about this little uniform that makes it all seem much harder for me. He looks too old! And while most children are not thrilled about the uniform, Charlie Nicol couldn't be more excited! He's tried it on multiple times and he tells everyone about it! Oh Lord, help me in a few weeks as I walk this precious child into his classroom for the first time!
So that's all for now. I hope you are having as much fun as we are this summer!

Cairnie Fruit Farm

My apologies for my delay in posting. We are having too much fun. Everyday is an adventure!
Last Tuesday, the boys and I took Davis to Cairnie Fruit Farm, one of our favorite days out in Scotland. We rode the tractors, attempted the puzzle in the corn maze, jumped on the pillow, jumped on the trampolines and picked lots and lots of strawberries. We had great weather and once again, it was a great day out!

Here is the proof: