Well, Scott and I have had some bug that makes you feel like a train wrecked on your body. Scott was affected all last week and then I caught it in time for the weekend.
Scott, Ethan and Christopher had been invited to a camp out with a few other dads and boys on Friday night but Scott was still not 100% so he decided it was best not to go. (one of the side effects is severe back pain and that usually does not fair well, while sleeping in a tent) Needless-to-say, the boys were devastated.
So on Saturday, the weather was gorgeous and so with Scott feeling better, they planned a backyard camp out/BBQ. Even though it was not with their buddies, they boys were thrilled. After an afternoon birthday party, they (all 4 of my boys) arrived home with groceries and started setting up the tents! They picked their square of grass and staked their claim! Scott grilled steaks, sausages and corn and then they cooked smores on the BBQ. Our friend and neighbor Jessica joined in for "tea"; as dinner is called.
I made it downstairs just to deliver the camera and see the campsite for myself. The boys were SO happy! They had a great night (good weather thank goodness) and talked about all the next day! Once again, good ole fashioned fun for the Nicol Clan!
I am on the mend and only hoping they will let me join the fun next time. Or maybe I'll just enjoy the peace and quiet in my comfy bed until I am invited to camp out!