Saturday, 12 January 2008

Happy New Year

Hello, hello and Happy 2008 to everyone! We hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you are enjoying the New Year.

We had a great trip to the States over the holidays. We spent time in Arlington with Scott's family, caught up with a few friends in Dallas, and saw my family in Louisiana. It was a whirl wind trip full of blessings! We loved each visit and only wished there was more time with each family and friend. (If we missed you this trip, we want to see you next time!)

We are back in the swing of things with school and work in Glasgow and are settling back into our routines. We were excited to see our friends here and it felt good to sleep in our beds! The weather is positively miserable and everyone says this is how it will be for awhile. Today the high was 34 and we had a break in the rain for about half the day. Otherwise, it has been raining non-stop, super cold, sleeting, and the winds were 50 miles and hour one night. YIKES!

During the break in the weather today, we went to see the Tall Ship in Glasgow Harbor. It is a restored triple mast sailboat that was used 200 years ago. They have done a great job of restoring it and you can go on board and see what life was like for the sailors while they worked. We all loved it and enjoyed the outing even in the cold.

I will post pictures from the last few weeks asap and will do my best to update once a week! Thanks for checking in and God's blessings to each of you!