Football. European Football. Soccer. It's MAD over here! Fans and players LOVE it! Scott has been to a few matches since we've been here but until last week, the boys had never been.
Scott took Ethan, Christopher and Ethan's friend Lewis to the Celtic match last week. He had tickets in a box so the boys dressed up in their Sunday best and off they went at 5pm to have their 3 course meal and watch a little football. They LOVED it! Had a ball. Although Celtic is probably not their favorite team, they enjoyed being in the mix and cheering on the locals. All on a school night which was even better! (Wish I'd sent my camera!)
Last night, Scott and Christopher were invited by our dear friends Andrew and Jude Waddell to the Scotland Argentina Match! Hot ticket and they were thrilled to go! They said it was fantastic! Not really a great football match but it was fun to be in the park! Scott said he enjoyed cheering for the national team more than one of the many fiercely supported local teams (to which we have no allegiance). ie...Celtic vs Rangers vs. Partick Thistle....Anyway, they had a great time! A big thanks to team Waddell!
3 out of 5 of the Nicols have been fighting coughs and colds and Christopher is still on his meds, can you tell??