Happy Thanksgiving to each and everyone of you. We are missing our family, friends and a huge Thanksgiving meal today! Everything here was business as usual. We plan to cook and celebrate with our Scottish Neighbors next weekend.
We are oh so thankful today for many things but the one thing that is on the top of our list; our container arrived and we slept in our OWN beds last night! YIPPEE, YAHOO! We feel as if Christmas has come and gone because 6 weeks without your belongings really makes them all new again! Toys, books, beds, a new change of clothes, more warm pjs and mittens and real silverware left us all shouting with glee! 

The movers arrived Tuesday morning and unloaded the container. Then we were off to the Thistle for one night in a hotel. I have to brag a little to say that our 3 boys have become quite the little travelers! They really have the hotel, luggage, taxi thing down.

Wednesday morning we met the movers back at the house and began the process of setting up beds and unpacking boxes. It was nice to have help and we were able to get lots done. We are not sure how we managed to ship quite so much stuff over but we are finding spaces under beds and on top of armoires for the extras. This house has a total of 2 closets and I am realizing how much iItook our last home for granted! Space, luxurious space. Anyway, it will all go somewhere or we'll find it a new owner. Nevertheless, we were thrilled to lay our heads on familiar pillows and mattresses last night and we are oh so thankful!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all and we are raising our glasses and bowing our heads in thanksgiving and prayer for all of you!