Fast forward 6 weeks to this place.
Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow. It's one of our favourite hang outs. Great park with tons of green space and a crackin skate park. Scott took his trusty skateboard and for one brief moment, he felt like a kid again. While chasing Charlie in the bowl, he took a spin. And then his loose knee gave way. And he was down. In the bowl. On his back. Oh man.
He put on a brave face and hobbled around the rest of the day (our friends the Brooks were in town). By the next morning, he could barely move. So off to the A & E (Accident and Emergency) for x-rays.
Busted ACL. He would need surgery. Oh boy. They put him in a brace and on crutches. Then they scheduled an appointment with the physio to see what plan of action to take. This could take awhile.
Anyway, long story short; our insurance is more inclusive in the USA, the NHS system is slow and has a different mentality than the care we are accustomed to and therefore we started planning a journey to the States for surgery.
Fast forward to late July. Scott flew to San Francisco for surgery and I left the boys in Mammoth with Mims and Gramps to meet him there. It turns out that Scott's sister Amie's best childhood friend Taryn, married an orthopedic surgeon. He specializes in knees. And he practices and lives one community over from Scott's Aunt and Uncle in northern California. We'd met him in Mammoth three years earlier and he'd been giving Scott advice over the phone since his injury. Seriously, the good Lord was in all the details.
Scott's surgery went just as planned. He has a new ACL and a trimmed and repaired meniscus. Ian took tons of pictures while in surgery and that helped us understand exactly what had happened and what he repaired. Aunt Alison and Uncle John took AMAZING care of us post surgery; we always love our time with them and we cherished this time of R & R.
And Scott's post-op appointment was at Ian and Taryn's house over a lovely BBQ dinner. We could not have orchestrated better care if we'd tried! Thank you to Ian, Taryn, John and Alison for a terrific weekend, surgery and all! And thank you to Mims and Gramps for keeping the boys so we could really rest!
John, Scott, Alison, and cousins Brett and Janice. This picture is the night before surgery. Brett and Janice, thanks for taking the time to come in from the city for dinner and a great chat! And Alison, thanks for the delicious dinner.

The day after surgery with his trusty ice machine.
Breakfast al fresco.
48 hours after surgery at the post-op appointment and BBQ. Thank you Ian and Taryn!

McKenzie joining in on the fun. Could have kidnapped her...she is so stinking cute.
Going over what was done and what needs to be done.
Taryn and Caden on our way back through town 2 weeks later.
I am happy to report that 10 weeks post-surgery, Scott is recovering well. It's a slow process but he is tenacious about his physical therapy and gym work and I know he'll be good as new by the springtime. But maybe not on his board.