Well, we are way past the first day of school for the 2010/2011 school year; so I guess better late than never with this post!
Ethan started senior school this year and absolutely LOVES it. He loves the flexibility, the change of teachers and classes, the mix up of students in each class, the clubs (Debate Society, Cooking Club, Brass Group, Concert Band, and Sax Ensemble), and the sport. There is much expected of pupils in this school and he has risen to the task. Long may it continue! Ethan is also fencing 2 nights a week and so he stays very busy.
Christopher is in Prep 5 this year. Prep 5 is the year that the students from the other 2 campuses join the main campus and therefore the classes mix up and there are many new students. It is also the beginning of the second half of prep school when the children are given a little more responsibility. He continues to study hard and to develop his friendships. Prep 5 is also the year that required games begin and Chris was surprised at how much he likes rugby! He has joined the sports club, plays guitar and soccer after school.
Charlie is in Prep 2. He has the same teacher that Ethan had our first year here and so that has been fun. (The teachers at the academy move around throughout the prep school from time to time) Charlie loves to do his homework and he concentrates very hard at school. He plays tennis after school and he loves having his "own" activity.
This school has been such a blessing and we are thankful everyday for this foundation.
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