No, not ours.
A Barbary Macaque Monkey baby. It might be the cutest baby I've seen in a long time. Well, at least since baby Harry Watson was born (he lives up the street and belongs to our friends Pippa and Neil). Or before that, Florie FitzGerald. Oh my. What a cutie.
But let me tell you, this baby monkey could capture the heart of anyone. Hardened criminals would coo over this little girl.

We stopped at a Forest Park on our way home from London on Sunday. We needed a picnic place and our handy road atlas had "Monkey Forest" printed on it just 20 miles ahead. Thanks to the world wide web and wireless connections, we checked it out and decided the Monkey Forest at Trentham was not to be missed.
These monkeys roam free in a 60 acre forest where you can walk the paths while observing their behavior.
It was fantastic and worth every minute we spent there. We sat and watched this baby (2 months old) for approximately 30 minutes. Oh she was cute.
And she jumped. Back and forth. Back and forth. The mother would hold her back leg if there was some reason she should not jump at that moment. It was so fun to watch their interaction.

This one stopped right at Ethan's feet as he was taking pictures of the baby. He was 2 feet away and was not concerned about us at all. One of the employees told us that he was a few years old and that he too was fascinated by the baby.
And this little rascal was determined to figure out this speaker. The woman in the yellow coat was giving us a nice talk about the Barbary Macaques and this monkey was yanking on that speaker the whole time. We couldn't listen we were giggling so much!
But really, this little girl stole the show. Oh she was cute!
So if you are ever close to Stoke on Trent, England and need a place to stop, check it out!